Camp Alfred-Lavoie

Inaugurated in the fall of 2007, Camp Alfred Lavoie has been designed to allow you to enjoy the view of Thunder Mountain, sheltered from the elements. This location was chosen because it is one of the few mountains in the region accessible by road. It offers a breathtaking view of the municipality of St-Aimé des Lacs and the eastern sector of the Charlevoix crater. The Camp is accessible to members in all seasons, but the lack of firewood makes it impractical for a longer stay during the cold season.

Reconstruction of Lac Boudreault Road

Originally, the roads through the territory were in poor condition. Very few were passable except by SUVs or trucks. Knowing that accessibility is an essential aspect of the territory's development, the Association has spent nearly 15 years rehabilitating the territory's roads. Despite all this work, much remains to be done and caution is still required for small cars. The Lac Boudreault road is the most important road in the territory since it gives access to the starting point of all our summer trails.

Trail tracing at the Waterfalls and Mont des Morios-Nord

At the time the Association was founded, only the Expert Trail of Mont des Morios was traced and still used by the local population. It was therefore necessary to explore and plan the layout of additional trails. The Trail of the Falls was traced from an old hunting trail. The Mont des Morios North Trail was only virgin nature. The route of the first trail was drawn quickly, however, as the demand for viewpoints grew, it had to be completely rethought and redeveloped in 2012.

Repairs to the access road by Notre-Dame des Monts

In order to facilitate the accessibility of the site, the access road through Notre-Dame des Monts has been repaired. Once this modification has been made, it will cut several minutes off the journey for people arriving from the West. A bridge is to be installed over the outlet of Lake Nice. Since the beavers are constantly blocking the culvert, water is flooding the road and deteriorating its condition to the point where it is not very passable at the moment.