The Foundation

The Association was founded in the spring of 2001 by a group of hunters and fishermen from the sector. At that time, the Ministry of Natural Resources wanted to cede the public land to a local outfitter. This action would have resulted in the privatization of the entire territory and deprived the people of the region of a hunting, fishing and outdoor territory. Following a strong mobilization and various meetings with local elected officials, the territory was safeguarded and the administration was delegated to the newly founded Association.

The first quinquennium

The early years are years of consolidation. The territory, having been very poorly maintained, is in a state where it is difficult to exploit. Only large 4X4s manage to reach most parts of the territory. The existing trail (now called the Expert) is not marked out and only insiders know where to find it.

Following the establishment of a partnership with the local Caisse Desjardins, work is started to improve the roads. Projects have also been set up with the Sentiers de la Capitale to improve the accessibility of the Mont des Morios Trail. It was at this time that the new trail was created and the Expert Trail was set aside because of its escarpment and its condition that is difficult to restore.

The Waterfalls Trail was also laid out to attract outdoor enthusiasts to the area. Two employees are mandated to open the first version of the Mont des Morios-Nord Trail. Contrary to its current version, this one followed the coulees between the mountains, offering a smaller difference in elevation, but also fewer points of view.

Activities are also organized to introduce the next generation to hunting, trapping and fishing. The Pêche en herbe activity is already a great success and the event will be continued with the partnership of local school classes after a few years.


This stage began with the construction of Camp Alfred-Lavoie on Montagne de la Noyée. It is the first of the accommodation sites planned on the territory. Then, with the collaboration of the MRC de Charlevoix-Est, a shelter will be added in the Sentier des Chutes. Discussions will also be initiated for the construction of a shelter on Mont des Morios, but due to logistical complications, this idea will be abandoned.

Despite a still very modest popularity, very thin finances and a new assault by various stakeholders to remove the management of the territory from the Association, the morale of the volunteers never waned during this period. Roads began to be accessible to all vehicles, and the trail network was maintained in good condition thanks to volunteer chores. Despite everything, the Mont des Morios-Nord Trail is abandoned during this period, breaking the loop so long awaited by the administrators. No volunteer has the time to maintain such an isolated trail in the wilderness.


Over time, partnerships have become more diverse and solidified. The great support provided by the Fédération québécoise des chasseurs et pêcheurs brings motivation and important support in the steps taken with political stakeholders to secure funding and resources. It is after 2012 that the 10-year efforts of the administrators and volunteers begin to bear fruit. Walking groups from several regions are starting to use the Mont des Morios Trail, associations and outdoor bloggers are also noticing the beauty of the site and are bringing in more and more outdoor enthusiasts.

In 2015, the Sentier du Mont des Morios receives the award for Trail of the Year from Rando Québec (at that time the Fédération québécoise de la marche). This recognition, combined with very popular local partnerships, notably with the Association touristique régionale de Charlevoix and the 5-Summit Challenge, brought unprecedented trail usage. A few televised segments, notably on the Héli-Charlevoix's "Hiking to the summits" package, make the mountain shine throughout Quebec. The influx of new members also allows the Association to plan some awaited improvement projects.